Why Scaled Sense?

A different kind of partnership

The goal of most other platforms is to get you and your data in and never let go. Before you know it, you're heavily dependent on their platform and deeply locked into something preventing you from evolving your business in the way that you need to. Here at Scaled Sense — we are trying something different. We aspire to make it as easy as possible for you to utilize and connect your data and systems with whatever you'd like. Scaled Sense is based on the premise that whether you decide to stick with us or not, anything you have built continues to work. We feel this approach builds true partnerships with our customers and keeps us honest to continue innovating and bringing you and your business value. With this approach, we believe we are building the type of company that we would want to work with and we hope you will agree.

Non-proprietary business logic

Make no mistake, we believe in modern cloud platforms and the value they can provide to an organization. This is evident by our use of some of the best-in-class providers, however we feel there is a balance. We strive to architect our workloads in a way that heavily favors open-source technologies at the software layer where you encode your business logic. We then pair this with robust platform-as-a-service ("PaaS") and infrastructure-as-a-service ("IaaS") offerings to run that software. This meticulously crafted recipe allows us to leverage the speed and scalability of the cloud, but also the agility to change services or providers if needed. Even if self-hosting workloads is what's best for your business in the future, the business logic you've invested in is yours to bring with you without having to start over.

If this resonates with you, you are a perfect fit for our platform. Reach out — we'd love to show you how this can apply to your business.

Experience the freedom to focus on what matters.