Data Products

Empower teams to build, manage, and share data as products, leveraging a Data Mesh architecture for decentralized ownership and faster, more relevant insights.

The Problem

Traditional centralized data architectures often struggle to scale and adapt to modern organizations' growing data needs. Central data teams can become bottlenecks, causing delays in accessing or processing data, while domain-specific knowledge is often lost or misunderstood in the process. As a result, organizations face inefficiencies, data silos, and lack of agility in delivering business value from their data assets.

Our Solution

Scaled Sense’s Data Products solution leverages a Data Mesh architecture to enable decentralized ownership of data, empowering business domains to treat their data as products. This solution provides a framework for creating scalable, discoverable, and reusable data products that are directly managed by the teams who understand the data best.

Challenges organizations face:

  • Centralized Data Bottlenecks: Centralized data teams often become overwhelmed, slowing down data access and analytics.
  • Domain Knowledge Gaps: Data teams without direct knowledge of business domains struggle to accurately interpret data needs or define useful data products.
  • Data Silos: Different departments working in isolation create fragmented data assets that are not easily accessible across the organization.
  • Data Governance at Scale: Maintaining consistent governance and security across decentralized data assets becomes increasingly difficult as organizations scale.

How Scaled Sense helps overcome these challenges:

  • Decentralized Ownership: Scaled Sense supports a Data Mesh architecture, giving domain teams ownership of their data products, leading to faster insights and more relevant data assets.
  • Self-Service Data Platforms: The platform provides tools that allow teams to easily create, manage, and share their data products without relying on a central data team.
  • Data as a Product: Treats data like a product, with defined ownership, quality standards, and discoverability, ensuring that each dataset serves the needs of its consumers.
  • Governance and Interoperability: The platform enforces data governance and standards across domains, ensuring consistency, security, and interoperability of data products.
Key Features

✓   Domain-Oriented Data Products: Data products are owned and managed by the teams closest to the data, ensuring relevance and agility.

✓   Automated Data Product Lifecycle: Full support for the creation, updating, and deprecation of data products as they evolve.

✓   Cross-Domain Discoverability: A centralized catalog makes all data products easily discoverable and accessible across the organization.

✓   Data Mesh Framework: Architected to support decentralized data ownership and governance, ensuring scalability and flexibility.

✓   Federated Governance: Ensures consistent governance and security policies across all data products, while allowing for domain-specific flexibility.

✓   Interoperability Standards: Built-in support for ensuring data products can be easily integrated and used by other domains, applications, and teams.

What are the core principles that make Data Products a great solution?


By decentralizing data ownership, teams closest to the data can manage and control their assets, leading to faster insights and more domain-relevant data products.


Data products are easily discoverable through a centralized platform, ensuring that valuable data is accessible to the right teams when they need it.


Ensures that data products can be seamlessly used across different domains, creating an interconnected ecosystem of data that fuels collaboration and innovation.


Empowers teams to create, manage, and share data products on their own, reducing dependencies on central data teams and increasing organizational agility.

Federated Governance

Maintains governance and security controls at a domain level while ensuring global standards are met, balancing flexibility with consistency.

Experience the freedom to focus on what matters.