Plug & Play Integration

Seamlessly connect your internal systems, providing direct interoperability with best-in-class third-party services.

Key Benefits

✓   Integrate your internal systems and third-party services into a unified model.

✓   Leverage best-in-class integration tooling to ease the initial setup effort.

✓   Intelligent links between services enabling a truly plug-and-play experience for users.

How It Works

  1. Identify the service you would like to integrate with and its requirements.
  2. Create an integration service to incorporate the data into the platform.
  3. Define how you would like to make this service available to the organization.
  4. Deploy the integration!

All achieved through...


Enhanced interoperability by wrapping a diverse set of services into a unified interface.

Pre-built Connectors

Leverage pre-built connectors available through partner platforms for popular applications and services, expediting the integration setup process.

Flexibility in Integration Models

Support various integration models, such as batch and event-driven architectures.

Rapid Deployment

Rapidly deploy, activate, and iterate integrations.

Experience the freedom to focus on what matters.